TSA update relating to COVID-19
As governments and communities around the world grapple with the health and economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, we want to assure our clients that we are resolved to continue the delivery of all our projects.
Our leadership team is monitoring the evolving situation and we have implemented the following preparations and measures:
• All our staff are now enabled to work from home, and all our projects have risk mitigation plans in place.
• activated our Business Continuity Plan and Coronavirus Response Plan;
• monitoring and implementing all relevant Australian and New Zealand Government recommendations; for example, isolation and infection prevention measures such as good hygiene practices;
• prepared with our systems for our people to work remotely from the office, increasing our use of Microsoft Teams video conferencing; we have cloud-based email and Project Management Information Systems, internet access for our internal finance and management systems.
• ceased international business travel and non-essential domestic travel
• regularly providing information and briefings to our staff on the latest advice on individual precautions and how to manage impacts in our industry and its supply chain; and
• working with specific client directions and precautionary measures in their businesses.
Governments have announced major boosts and stimulus packages to protect the community and help protect jobs in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak over the next six months.
We also believe that we need to continue to proceed with our projects and make them “shovel ready” need to continue as they will also continue to have critical downstream economic benefits, driving demand for materials and equipment from local and national manufacturers, and goods and services in supporting sectors. The continuation of this vital economic contribution will be a lifeline for many in the months ahead.
In cases where the delivery of projects are affected by these and other matters relating to COVID-19, Governments are ensuring all agencies work collaboratively to keep projects on schedule to the greatest extent possible.
Together we can keep Australia and New Zealand moving forward. This is a time for the Government and industry to work together to sustain our state and nation during this difficult time.